Friday, May 10, 2013


i've forgotten, maybe, 
what made me remarkable to my parents  -- 
the placement of the stars on my birthday,
orion's refutable irrelevance,
his sword a pointed indication;
an index finger stretched in
constellary condemnation --
i've forgotten
what this  means for me  --  (my "cosmic space")  --
proverbial butterflies' wings.
I thought my arms were swords;
To embrace me was to bleed.

but i have known the inside of your mouth for 
quick, intimate moments--
there it is! the soft, billowy sail of cheek, 
the private flesh of neck; 
the dog-tooth, sharp, provocative, the plaintive, 
crazy tongue. and i recall,

under a harvest moon, looks that
even at the time seemed
slightly more than half-intended, 
looks whose futures worm-holed us into infinite
scenarios: soft osculations and 
oft walks along the wintry potomac;
skinned rabbits! too much salt!
brazen manifestos of the heart!
incorrect, (y)our incorrections,
treading waters,
boilings over,
sittings in church with that particular
church-light i was taught to distrust,
and your kneelings at the pew 
in an attitude of humility -- my own indiscretion,
confusion, my deliberate sinnings, my 
socratic questionings; if
god, then what,
if not, then
who, and
that first day in church with that particular
church-light all i saw was you -- neither god nor
constellation -- 
and the future made the sound a flower makes
as it unfolds inside a drum,
My hearts iambic thrum. You
a rhythm moved to match and meet
that which cannot be un become.

and, now, when we're together,
lying wet as mermaids once we've slipped apart,
my heart… my heart.

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